Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Image deblur experiments

Quite some time ago a friend of mine took a photo, which turned out heavily motion blurred. I had just been talking about image deblurring so he sent the photo to me to see what I could do with it. I spent some time working on the photo and computed a reconstruction, which was quite good.

Figure 1. The original photo as I received it.

Figure 2. My original reconstruction from some years ago.

The original photo is shown in Figure 1, while my original reconstruction is shown in Figure 2. In Figure 1 one can see that the object appears to be an airplane. Figure 2 however reveals that the object in question is in fact an airplane toy, which is apparent from the propeller in the rear. I was genuinely surprised when I saw this in the reconstruction as I believed the photo was of a real plane and the reconstruction had actually provided new information.

My original reconstruction relied on the fact that the convolution kernel is essentially one dimensional, and it was in grayscale due to computational limitations. This time I wanted to try to reconstruct the image using a more generic approach and in color.

In the original reconstruction I used a total variation regularized deconvolution applied to each horizontal line of the image separately. This could be done because the blur happens almost exactly in the horizontal direction (in fact I rotated the photo slightly to make this even more the case). The convolution kernel was selected by analyzing the photo by eye and computing several simple Tikhonov regularized reconstructions with different kernels and choosing the one which looked the best.

This time around I wanted to use a 2D total variation regularized deconvolution using the trick of writing the problem as a constrained quadratic programming problem. Some poorly formatted maths follow:

The problem itself is

min_X 1/2 || conv(K,X) - B ||^2 + alpha sum {|X_(i+1,j)-X_(i,j)|+|X_(i,j+1)-X_(i,j)|},

where conv(K,X) is the convolution of image X with kernel K, || || denotes the 2-norm while | | denotes the absolute value. The values |X_(i+1,j)-X(i,j)| and |X(i,j+1)-X(i,j)| are the variations in the image and summing up all of them over the image is the total variation, hence the name total variation regularization. The target function is not differentiable and thus this is quite a difficult optimization problem. The trick however is to notice that this can be re-written as

min_X 1/2 || conv(K,X) - B ||^2 + alpha sum { U_k + V_k },

with the constraints that LX = U-V and U,V>=0, where L is an operator which gives the (signed) variations X_(i+1,j)-X_(i,j) and X_(i,j+1)-X_(i,j) for all i,j. U then represents the positive part of the variations of X while V represents the negative part. The total variation is then just the sum of the components of U and V.

There are multiple ways to actually find the minimizer of the latter formulation, of which I've implemented the projected Barzilai-Borwein method due to its simplicity. I enforce the equality constraint with a penalty term to keep the system positive-definite (although I'm currently working on doing this with some sort of stabilized Uzawa iteration to solve the saddle point problem one arrives at when enforcing the constraint using a Lagrange multiplier). The Hessian of the system is not only large (but not huge: about 5 million unknowns), but also dense (around 10 billion nonzeros), which makes iterative methods the only possible option. Fast Fourier transforms save the day.

As was the case with the earlier reconstruction, I again started with analyzing the photo by eye, choosing a suitable type of convolution kernel and narrowing the parameters of the kernel down. This was again done by computing several Tikhonov regularized reconstructions and choosing the one which looked the best.

Figure 3. Tikhonov regularized deconvolution with alpha = 0.001 and with the most eye-pleasing convolution kernel.

Obviously I chose the kernel type as a moving average over a straight line with the parameters being the length of the line and its angle from horizontal. The values of the parameters found to give best looking results were length = 110 pixels and angle = 0.03 radians. Figure 3 shows the result when using a standard Tikhonov regularization with regularization parameter alpha = 0.001. This computation takes 5 seconds on my 9 year old laptop.

Figure 4. Total variation regularized deconvolution with alpha = 0.0005.

The result of the total variation regularized deconvolution with regularization parameter alpha = 0.0005 is shown in Figure 4. This computation takes several hours on my laptop, but I'm expecting this to reduce by quite a lot by using more elaborate algorithms.

Figure 5. Total variation regularized deconvolution (alpha = 0.0005) using a kernel estimated from the reconstruction in Figure 4.

As the total variation regularization reduces the ghosting artifacts (which I'm guessing are due to the kernel not being quite right), I was wondering if I could use the reconstruction to give a better estimate of the convolution kernel. As the kernel is just the deconvolution of the blurred image using the sharp image, I could quickly compute the kernel using a Tikhonov regularized deconvolution. When I then re-ran the deconvolution (again alpha = 0.0005) using this new kernel estimate, I got what is shown in Figure 5, which to my eye looks like the best one yet.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Home heat pump efficacy

Our house is electrically heated, which is a bad idea in the long run. Trying to save on electricity, we got a heat pump installed in September 2014. Now that it's been running for a year, I decided to take a look at some numbers.

Our electric utility company (Helen) provides a service from which I can download my usage data for each hour. I downloaded all the data that was available and started playing around with it in Octave.

Figure 1. Electricity usage over the observed period.

Figure 2. Correlation between outside temperature and electricity usage.

My plan was to first create a model of our electricity usage pre heat pump, using the outside temperature as the explaining variable. I would then look at how large the discrepancy between our recent electricity usage is compared to that model.

Looking at the correlation between outside temperature and electricity usage in Figure 2, it seems that there is a reasonably linear relationship whenever the temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius. As I am only really interested in using the heat pump as a heating device during the winter, I will hence fit the model to cold weather data only.

Figure 3. Our electricity usage averaged over days.

Our average daily electricity usage is shown in Figure 3. Our usage increases near midnight, but there is no sudden increase even though the water heater turns on every night. This is because the heater turns on at different times on different days of the week, as controlled by the utility company. Also, since our daily routines follow a weekly pattern, it perhaps makes more sense to look at average weekly usage.

Figure 4. Our electricity usage averaged over weeks.
In Figure 4, the spikes of the water heater turning on are clearly visible. It seems that the heater turns on at around 23:00 most days, but on Wednesday and Saturday at 21:00. Also our daytime electricity usage seems to be a bit higher on weekends than weekdays. Night time usage is about the same. Makes sense.

Figure 5. A second look at the electricity usage versus temperature. This is the electricity usage in the training data smoothed using the weekly average profile.

When the weekly variation is removed from the data, we get a smoothed version of electricity usage. Figure 5 shows the smoothed electricity usage versus temperature in the training data, i.e. the cold weather data from before the heat pump was installed. It seems to have a much reduced variance compared to the original data in Figure 2 and thus seems to allow a better first order polynomial approximation.

Figure 6. Electricity usage, model fit and model prediction. Model fit is how the model reproduces the training data, while prediction is what the model predicts the usage would be.

Figure 7. Model fit error and model prediction error in kW.

Figures 6 and 7 show the first order polynomial model fit and its prediction. Figure 7 in particular shows the difference between the model output and actual data (i.e. positive values means the model estimates greater electricity usage). The model prediction error in magenta seems to be ever so slightly positive, which would translate to us using just a bit less power than before (about 6% less). I was expecting a huge difference, so this comes as quite a disappointment.

There are, however, some caveats. The weather was quite warm last winter, so there wasn't that much need for heating. Also, a big thing is that we have gone from a 2 person household to a 4 person household within the data period. This probably means increased water consumption, which in turn increases electricity use.

Lets approach the problem from a different direction. Instead of looking at how much less electricity we use now compared to a model of pre heat pump usage, we can model both cases and compare these models.

Figure 8. Pre heat pump installation and post heat pump installation electricity usage (smoothed with weekly average profile).

Figure 8 shows the smoothed electricity usage versus the outside temperature. The blue data is the same that is shown in Figure 5, but the red data is measurements from post heat pump installation. It's not very clearly visible as last winter wasn't very cold, but it seems that the post heat pump installation data has a slightly shallower slope, which would indicate that heating the house uses less power than before.

Figure 9. Model fit to pre and post heat pump installation data.

Figure 9 shows the result of fitting first order polynomials in the data. The models are
  •  Pre heat pump installation
    • P = 2.94 kW - 0.121 kW/C * T
  • Post heat pump installation
    • P = 2.70 kW - 0.092 kW/C * T,
where P is the used electric power in kW and T is the outside temperature in Celsius. That is, the electric power required for heating per degree Celsius has reduced by about 24%. This makes me feel slightly less disappointed, but it's still nowhere near what I was expecting. However, the post heat pump installation data isn't very reliable as there is still so little of it available. Hopefully I'll have better data by spring time.